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Find Board Positions

Learn about opportunities to help lead high quality public charter schools in Nevada that match your interests and skills

Find Schools with Positions

Learn about open or future positions at public charter schools in your neighborhood and beyond.

How It Works

Create your personal profile

Sign up to highlight your skills, expertise, interests, values, and desired board experience.

Review matches

View customized recommendations for open positions.

Explore open board positions

Research schools and positions by location, skills, and more.

Connect with schools

Want to know more about an opportunity? Select the “Express Interest” button to quickly share your interest and profile.

Review Connections

Track your connections and check your latest matches on your personal dashboard.

Join a Board

Inquire about the school’s application process if it feels like the right fit.

Schedule an Onboarding Call

Ready to let candidates know about your school and board? Email us to get started.

Set Up Your Profile & Board Openings

Following the onboarding call, complete your school profile and share opportunities to serve by adding board listings.

Explore Candidates

Review custom matches or search candidate profiles.

Connect with Candidatess

Message candidates and schedule time to meet.

Review connections

Track your connections and check your latest matches on your school’s dashboard.

Fill positions

Provide next steps for the candidate to apply if it feels like the right fit.

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